The Digital Experience Dilemma

The Digital Experience Dilemma

When you are considering a new DXP (Digital Experience Platform), determining the right-fit solution can seem like a crossing a minefield.

Preparing for a digital transformation project? I guess you may be evaluating other technologies besides your current solution to deliver new functionality, add greater value and be cost-effective for the organization. In this blog we look at some key considerations during the selection process - how much time you have spent on information gathering, looking a demos, getting familiar with the product and getting references.

Even when a vendor arranges demos - whether directly or via your implementation partner - have you got to grips with understanding the level of resources you need to deploy and configure a new Digital Experience Platform? Have you any idea of what Consulting Services you might need, whether there's any custom work needed to meet your requirements or what promised out-of-the-box features actually deliver on their promise?

References are a useful barometer on how the vendor works directly with its customers and partners. Ask the difficult questions, probe how much budget was spent on the solution and services, discover how long a project took and whether it met the requirements that were defined at the outset.

Looking at retention rates of a vendor's software is a very good indicator that the product is stable and the company sound. Only looking at vendors placed in the top right-hand side of a Gartner Magic Quadrant may not be right for your organization. Often, those vendors in that quadrant have solutions that can be unwieldy, only applicable for large enterprises who have huge budgets to throw at the extra consulting hours necessary to make those products work, along with all the bells and whistles that they provide.

Ask yourself, what are you trying to achieve? Does a DXP with content curation, commerce, and personalization cover your bases? One that has all that functionality seamlessly integrated or is it a hodge-podge of separate solutions? Do you need APIs and interoperability to plug in further solutions down the line (you may not even know today what you have to provide in the future)?

Typically, deployment and integration of a new solution into your organization can be a bumpy process, diverting resources and stretching the budget unless you have done thorough due diligence. To ensure a seamless collaboration you need a competent partner as well as a vendor that has a capable solution. Together they have the necessary expertise and experience required. They will have encountered and resolved many of the pitfalls that present themselves along the way.

If you'd like to know more about Digital Experience solutions, or if you're struggling through an evaluation project, feel free to request a demo or email/ call us to discuss your requirements for successful digital transformation in your organization.

Considerations for Creating Rich Customer Experiences

DXP eBook

If you are struggling with your B2B digital transformation efforts, why not reach out to us to discuss your project. Feel free to download and read Ibexa's eBook on Digital Experience Platforms and the four considerations for creating exceptional customer experiences.

Download DXP eBook
Digital Experience Platforms

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